Leagues & Tournaments

What is the game schedule?
All teams, regardless of skill level, play in a tournament-style play with games. Games held within the Wisconsin Youth Basketball League (WYBL) are typically on Saturday's or  Sunday's, whereas tournaments outside the WYBL may be held on both Saturday's and Sunday's. Games held within the Badger Developmental League (BDL) are typically on Saturday's or Sunday's. 

The benefit of the WYBL league-style structure is that teams will play two games on one day, providing players with more playing opportunities than simply a single game over the weekend. BDL league-style structure is that teams will play three games on one day, providing players with more playing opportunities as well.

Where are League games and tournaments held?
Tournaments are held in a variety of Wisconsin locations. Distances to games may vary depending on availability and skill-level of the tournaments.

Is there a specific league for the tournaments?

WBC teams will play in Wisconsin Youth Basketball League (WYBL) or Badger Developmental League (BDL).

Older teams will play in Wisconsin Youth Basketball League (WYBL) This league includes teams from the Waukesha area and surrounding communities.  Boys' WYBL season starts in November. 

Younger teams will play in Badger Developmental League (BDL). This league includes local teams in the surrounding area. Boys' BDL starts in November.

Teams will also have the flexibility to select other non-WYBL or non-BDL tournaments as well.  All costs of tournaments will be the responsibility of the individual team's parents.

How many tournaments will be played?
All teams are expected to compete in a minimum of 16 league games or tournaments.   All teams receive an equal amount of funds to put toward tournament registration fees. Fees are designed to cover approximately 5 months of basketball games. Any fees required in excess of the WBC-allocated amount to participate in the WYBL or BDL will be paid for individually by the team.

Is there an entrance fee for spectators at tournaments?
The tournament host determines if there is an entry fee. If a fee applies it is typically $5 or less per adult.

All teams will travel. Tournament costs incurred beyond those covered by the registration fees are paid for by the individual team player parents.   The Black Team will be considered the top tier of grade-level talent and will participate in higher-competition tournaments, which are higher cost.  As a result, each player of the Black Team will be responsible for an incremental team fee of approximately $150 to cover projected tournament costs that are not covered by the typical registration fees.

Wisconsin Youth Basketball League (WYBL)

Wisconsin Youth Basketball League


The league will support divisions for 4th through 8th grade teams at four levels (A, B+, B, and C).  Teams will play a 16 game regular season followed by the League Championship Tournament to determine the overall champion.  

The WYBL is a league that supports community-based teams.  It is required that each player reside in your school district or currently open enroll into your school district.  Absolutely no teams shall be comprised on multi-district players.  Players should be assigned to teams within their grade level (or play "up") and not according to age

The goal of the WYBL is to leverage and improve on the youth basketball experience by providing consistency in the league, reliability of gym time, better scheduling, league games against teams of comparable skill level, and varied competition to as many teams as we can … all so we can keep as many boys as possible playing basketball at a quality level.

NUMBER OF GAMES:                          16 with teams reaching the Championship teams playing 20-21.

GAME LOCATIONS:                              Various local high schools.

GAME DATES:                                           Sundays, beginning November 1st and ending March 13th

GAME FORMAT:                                      20-Minute Halves, running clock until last two minutes of each half.  Two referees will be supplied for each game.

Website:                                            http://www.wyblonline.com/