
Are scholarships available?
Players whose households qualify for “free and reduced lunch” will be eligible for scholarships. Players whose households have “other hardship” may also be eligible.  Scholarships in the amount of 50% of the current year’s registration fees will be available for eligible players. Should scholarship requests exceed funds available, the Board will allocate funds to those in most need.

How do I apply for a scholarship?
During the online registration, players wishing to apply for a scholarship must complete the on-line WBC Scholarship form.  Supporting paperwork, substantiating eligibility, can be e-mailed to or mailed to WBC, P.O. Box 930403, Verona, WI  53593.  Alternatively, a hard-copy of the scholarship application can be uploaded to the online registration form.

Is there other criteria to be granted a scholarship?
In order to qualify for a scholarship, parents/guardians of scholarship recipients will also be required to volunteer a minimum of eight hours of time per player. There are a variety of volunteer opportunities, including two WBC-hosted tournaments.